What is Ultrasound Cavitation?

Cavitation is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that uses ultrasound technology to reduce fat cells in targeted parts of the body. It is the preferred option for anyone who does not want to undergo extreme options such as liposuction, as it is does not involve any needles or surgery.

Does Ultrasonic Cavitation Work?

Yes, ultrasound fat cavitation provides real, measurable results. You’ll be able to see how much circumference you’ve lost using a tape measure — or by simply looking in the mirror.

However, keep in mind that it only works in certain areas, and you won’t see overnight results. Be patient, because you’ll see your best results weeks or months after treatment.

The results will also vary based on your health history, body type, and other unique factors. These factors affect not only the results you see but how long they’ll last.

You might see results after just one treatment. However, most people will need a number of treatments before they get the results they’re hoping for.

How long does fat cavitation last?

Most candidates for this treatment see their final result within 6 to 12 weeks. On average, treatment requires 1 to 3 visits for visible results. Results of this treatment are permanent, as long as you maintain a healthy diet and exercise

How often can I do cavitation?

How often can Cavitation be done? At least 3 days must pass between each session for the first 3 sessions, then once a week. For most clients, we recommend a minimum of between 10 and 12 cavitation treatments for best results. It is important to typically stimulate the treatment area following the session.

What should I eat after cavitation?

Ultrasonic Lipo Cavitation is a fat-metabolizing and detoxifying procedure. Therefore, the most important post-care advice is to maintain adequate hydration levels. Eat a low-fat, low-carbohydrate and low-sugar diet for 24 hours, in order to aid in fat metabolism.

Who is not a candidate for cavitation?

Thus people with kidney failure, liver failure, heart disease, carrying a pacemaker, pregnancy, lactation, etc. are not suitable candidates for the cavitation treatment. 

How do you get the best results of cavitation?

Maintaining a low calorie, low carbohydrate, low fat, and low sugar diet for 24 hours pre-treatment and three days post-treatment will help achieve the best results. This is to ensure your body utilizes the triglycerides (a type of body fat) released by the fat cavitation process


Ultrasound Cavitation



Post time: Mar-15-2022