Laser Nail Fungus Removal

NewTechnology- 980nm Laser Nail Fungus Treatment

Laser therapy is the newest treatment we offer for fungal toenails and improves the appearance of the nails in many patients. The nail fungus laser machine works by penetrating the nail plate and destroys the fungus under the nail. There is no pain and no side effects. Best results and the best looking toenails occur with three laser sessions and the use of specific protocol.Compared traditional methods, laser therapy is a safe, non-invasive means to clear nail fungus and it is gaining popularity.Laser treatment works by heating up the nail layers specific to the fungus and attempting to destroy the genetic material responsible for fungus growth and survival.

MINI-60 nail fungus

How long does it take to see results?

Healthy new nail growth is usually seen in as little as 3 months. It may take 12 to 18 months for a big toenail to fully regrow, and 9 to 12 months for smaller toe nails. Nails grow faster and may take as little as 6-9 months to be replaced by a healthy new nail.

How many treatments will I need?

Cases are usually classified as mild, moderate, or severe. In moderate to severe cases, the nail will change color and thicken, and multiple treatments may be required. Like any other treatment, laser is very effective for some people, but not as effective for others.

Can I use nail polish after laser treatment for nail fungus?

Nail polish must be removed before treatment, but can be reapplied immediately after laser treatment.

MINI-60 nail fungus

Post time: Dec-04-2024