In 1998, the FDA approved the use of the term for some manufacturers of hair removal lasers and pulsed light equipments. Permament hair removal does not imply the elimination of all hairs in the treatment areas.The long-term, stable reduction in the number of hairs re-growing after a treatment regime.
When you know the hair anatomy and the grow stage then What is laser therapy and how does it work?
Lasers designed for permanent hair reduction emit wavelengths of light that are absorbed by the melanin in the hair folicle(dermal papilla,matrix cells, melanocytes). If the surrounding skin is lighter than the color of the hair, more of the laser energy will concentrated in the hair shaft (selective photothermalysis), effectively destroying it without affecting the skin. Once the hair follicle is destroyed, hair will gradually fall out, then the remain hair growth activity will turn to anagen stage,but turn to very thin and soft due to without enough nutrient support the health hair growth.
Which technology is most suitable for hair removal?
Tradtional chemical epilation, mechanical epilation or shaving epilation with tweezer all cut the hair at epidermis make the skin looked smooth but no affect to the hair folicle, that's why the hair grow back quickly,even much more stronger than before due to the stimulate cause more hair into anagen stage. What's more, these traditional methods may cause skin hurt, bleeding,skin sensibility and other problems.You may ask that IPL and laser are take the same treatment principle, why choose laser?
What is the difference between Laser and IPL?
IPL stands for ‘intense pulsed light’ and has some branded variations such as SIPL, VPL, SPL, OPT, SHR which are all essentially the same technology. IPL machines are not lasers because its not single wavelength.IPL machines produce a wide bandwidth of wavelength that can reach different depth of skin tissue, be absorbed by different targets mainly include melanin, hemoglobin, water.Thus can heat up all of the surrounding tissue reach multifuctional results such as hair removal & skin rejuventation, vascular veins removal, acne treatment.But the treatment with tingle to painful feeling due to its strong power broad spectrum light energy,the skin burn risk also will be higher than the semiconductor diode lasers.
General IPL machine use the xenon lamp inside handle piece output the light, there are a sapphire or quartz crystal at the front touch the skin transfer the light energy and make the cooling to protect skin.
(each light will be one output include many pulses), the xenon lamp(German quality about 500000 pulses) lifetime will be many times less than the diode laser's laser bar
(marco-channel or micro-channel general from 2 to 20 millions) type.Thus hair removal lasers (i.e. Alexandrite, Diode, and ND:Yag types) tend to have longer lifetime and more comfortable feeling for unwanted hair treatment.These lasers specialized use in professional hair removal center.

Post time: Jan-11-2022