Highly advanced shock wave therapy ultrasonic portable ultrawave ultrasound therapy machine -SW10
The effect of therapeutic ultrasound via an increase in local blood flow may help reduce local swelling and chronic inflammation, and, according to some studies, promote bone fracture healing. The intensity or power density of the ultrasound can be adjusted depending on the desired effect. A higher power density (measured in watt/cm2) may soften or breakdown scar tissue.

★ Soft tissue injuries.
★ Chronic strains and sprains.
★ Myositis – the inflammation of muscle tissues.
★ Bursitis – inflammation of the fluid-field pads surrounding joints.
★ Tendonitis – inflammation of the tissue connecting the muscles to the bones.
★ Tendon Sheath Inflammation.
★ Osteoarthritis.
★ Plantar fasciitis.
Equipped with 2 handles, two handles can work at the same time or take turns.
When you go in for ultrasound therapy, your therapist will select a small surface area to work on for anywhere from five to 10 minutes. A gel is applied either to the transducer head or to your skin, which helps the sound waves evenly penetrate the skin.
Treatment time
The probe vibrates, sending waves through the skin and into the body. These waves cause the underlying tissue to vibrate, which can have a variety of benefits which we will look at below. In general, ultrasound therapy sessions will last no longer than 5 minutes.
Treatment period
But coming to physical therapy 2 times a week is just not enough time for the actual changes to occur. Research suggests it takes at 3-5 days of consistent, targeted strength training for at least 2-3 weeks to see changes in your muscles.
1.Directly on open wounds or active infections
2.Over metastatic lesions
3.On patients with impaired sensation
4.Directly on metal implants
5.Near a pacemaker or any other device that generates a magnetic field
6.The eyes and the surrounding area, the myocardium, the spinal cord, the
gonads, the kidneys and the liver.
7.Blood disorders, coagulation problems or the use of anticoagulants.
8.Polypus in the area of treatment.
10.Tumor diseases.
12.Therapy using corticoids.
13.Inapplicable on areas in proximity to large nerve bundles, bundles, blood vessels, the spinal cord and the head.
14.During pregnancy (except in the instance of diagnostic sonography)
15.Additionally, ultrasound should not be applied over: ~ The eye ~ The gonads ~ Active epiphysis in children.
Always use the lowest intensity which produces a the rapeutic response
The head of the applicators should be moving throughout the treatment
The ultrasound beam (treatment head) should be perpendicular to the treatment area for best results.
All parameters (intensity, duration, and mode) need to be considered carefully for desired therapeutic effects.